Why use our service to sell for you since you have your own sales people?
Most suppliers have good and capable sales people, however they do not have as much experience as we do in the USA market. This is our country and market, we have been selling here for many years, we know how to the customer needs, we understand their business requirements, we can call them any time during their regular office hours, we speak their language, we know what steps they need to make a buying decision.
How do we benefit your sales people and your company?
We can surely increase your company’s sales volume to the US, and at the same time, your sales people will have a lot more time available to them to work on sales to other markets around the world. As a result, we will increase your sales to the US while your sales people will increase your sales to other countries.
Does it cost you any fees or anything upfront?
Absolutely not, there are no upfront costs or hidden fees whatsoever; this is based only on commission. We are very confident in our ability to increase your sales in the US that we are offering to work for commission only. In reality, the sales we generate will pay our commission so we don’t really cost you anything at all.
Will our commission reduce your revenue?
Actually, it will be exactly the opposite. It is true that when you pay us commission that your profit per sale will be slightly less, but we are going to generate a lot more business for you so your total income will be increased not to mention that we do not cost you an salaries or overhead. Keep in mind that your current sales people will also have time to generate more sales for you from other markets around the world.
Will your relationship with your customers change?
Your customers will continue to do business directly with you as always. They place the order with you, they sign the contract with you and they pay you directly the same way they do today. We get paid commission from you after the customer pays you. Your customer does not pay us.
How does it work?